Web 2.0: Internet Technology Used in Human Resource Recruitment
Many Web 2.0 applications were intended for social interaction and networking among people. Little research has been conducted on the use of Web 2.0 application in Human Resource Recruitment in Jordan. The recruitment process involves several tasks that needs interaction between the candidate and the recruiter. Our study focus on the use of Web 2.0 Social applications in Human Resource recruitment. Online social networks are among the leading Web 2.0 application that are used by HR professionals in finding the right candidate for the job. Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Skype and LinkedIn are the major applications sought by recruiters to gather the needed information. But how effective is this new medium for HR professionals? How did they use the Web 2.0 applications in researching potential candidates? And which application is used most among other social networks. An exploratory study is presented and discussed. The findings based on statistical analysis of information provided by HR professional showed that only a 15% of organizations use the technology. The level of awareness of the true value of the online social network in recruitment was very low.
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