Antecedents of Actual Visit Behavior amongst International Tourists in Jordan: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach
This study which is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), examines the relationships between antecedents of revisit intention, perceived risk and actual visit behavior, and the mediating effect of revisit intention in the relationship between perceived behavior control and actual visit behavior. Data was collected from 850 tourists via questionnaires. The data was analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques (Amos 6.0) to evaluate the path model. Additionally, deductive approach was used. The findings highlight four significant direct relationships (1) revisit intention and (2) perceived risk to actual visit behavior; (3) tourist attitude and revisit intention (4) subjective norm and revisit intention. And tow hypothesis were insignificant relationships which are; perceived behavior control and revisit intention and perceived behavior control and actual visit behavior. however, does not have mediating effect. This result demonstrates the ability of the original TPB model to explain international tourists' behavior in Jordan. The findings are discussed in the context of the antecedents of revisit intention and actual visit behavior of international tourists in Jordan.
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