Use of Fermented Wheat (Triticum spp) Waste Meal in the Diet of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings
Fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus were stocked into ten tanks at ten fingerlings per tank and subjected to five treatments replicated twice. Fermented wheat waste meal, which was the test ingredient, was included at 0%, 20% 40%, 60% and 80% in five diets formulated at 40% crude protein. The experiment lasted for 70 days. Fish fed with diet D5 had the best growth rate with specific growth rate of 2.20±0.08, feed conversion ratio of 0.08±0.05 and protein efficiency ratio of 0.63±0.04 while fish fed with diet CTR had the least growth rate with specific growth rate of 1.73±0.21, feed conversion ratio of 1.26±0.29 and protein efficiency ratio of 0.41±0.09.
The cost of the experimental diets showed that the cost of production of 1kg feed reduced as the level of inclusion of the test diet increased. Hence, fermented wheat waste can replace maize as an energy source in the diet of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings up to 80% inclusion level without adverse effect on growth and nutrient utilization and this will also reduce the cost of production.
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