Analysis of the UK Tropical Freshwater Fish Market & Developments for Innovative Transportation Models
The following research project has been produced in order to analyse the UK Tropical Freshwater Fish Market and the most prominent Importers, Distributors, Wholesalers & Retailers within the country. This project will also look further into the pricing, popularity and varieties of fish that are purchased by consumers in the UK. Finally we will look at a new innovative strategy, which has never previously been combined to such strict measures, for the transportation of tropical fish. This model ensures tropical fish experience less stress during their journey, with increased survival rates and extended life spans, whilst abiding by any regulations from authorities.
After analysing all of these different areas, it will allow any new Importer & Distributor to make a well-informed decision as to whether or not the UK is a promising market to enter. Along with an extremely detailed specifications to adhere to, when transporting tropical fish across the world.
The findings for this research are that the UK has a vast market for Ornamental Tropical freshwater fish, which continues to grow every year and has great potential. This however comes with lots of fierce competition in every stage of the supply chain. There have been a few key steps determined, which would need to be implemented in order to allow for the successful start of a new Importer & Distributor within the country. These steps have been displayed within the conclusion below.
Lastly the innovative model to transport tropical fish further across the globe, has been demonstrated by combining and streamlining ten influential areas with newer technologies to create a revolutionary system. Strict regulations and time frames that are to be maintained and adhered to at all times in order for the success of this model.
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