Corrupt Leadership, an Antecedent to Global Epileptic Socio-economic Growth, Nigerian Example: Dramaturgy and visions
Self interest is the invisible hand that controls the political, social and economiccorrupt trends in Nigeria. There are deviation and diversions of interests. Leadership inNigeria becomes bedeviled with depravity; reliability deteriorates while the populace wallowsin hunger and decadence. No matter the current shades of corruption in the country,corruption cannot be canon for governance since we still have devoted, loyal andconscientious apostles of social change and justice such as; Emeka Nwabueze and FemiOsofisan. They are the likes of intellectuals constrained from directing the affairs of thiscountry by harsh demands on public officers. Their plays among other perspectives arethorough attempts at picturing and unveiling corrupt leadership and the consequent epilepticeconomy and underdevelopment in the country. Specifically, this paper expresses theessential nature of leadership and Nigerian leaders in retrospect then employ the creativeingenuity of these social crusaders to ex-ray the selfish corrupt leaders in their variouscontexts. Theoretically, this paper trails the footprints of the sociologists and proves thatliterary works should not be isolated from the social contexts in which they are embedded.The essay deduces that the country is undergoing crises of leadership which is an antecedentto underdevelopment.
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