Recognize the latent menaces in construction projects: An empirical study in construction sector in Jeddah, KSA
This paper seeks to highlight the potential menace in construction projects in Jeddah, KSA, and its influence on project objectives in terms of time, cost, quality, safety and environmental sustainability. The researcher used a total of 25 key risks, which were determined based on a comprehensive assessment of their probability of occurrence and magnitude of consequence on project objectives in China and Australia. Herein the researcher test the magnitude effect of each factor upon the project objectives mentioned above. with an assortment of menaces consequence on project elements: Clients, design, government bodies, contractors and subcontractors, and suppliers, This study concluded that 92.3% of the respondents believe that price inflation of construction materials has a high effect on project construction. Moreover, The results show that there are factors have a high load, which are: Variations by the client, Project funding problems, Suppliers' incompetency to deliver materials on time, and excessive procedures of government approvals, the study recommended that, the enterprise should review and rewords their clients contracts to clear identification of project scoop and payments arrangement. Besides, selecting subcontractors based on specific standards to insure they will add value to the project. Obtain and maintain talent to manage government and public relations.
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